“I don’t know how she does it.”
“I hate him. He’s so fit.”
“I could be that successful if I wanted to.”
Some people are just so flipping disciplined. I’m thinking of Tim Ferriss from Four-Hour Workweek or Serena Williams, or, heck, my friend Russ Peterson. These are people who have dreams and then, with a relentless effort, make those dreams come true.
If you are like me, you have great discipline in some areas and rotten discipline in others.
How do you develop self-discipline in an area where you currently have the self-control of a 3 year old? Borrow it.
Borrow it from a support group, like Weight Watchers, AA, or Master Minds. Borrow it from an individual, like your coach, counselor, or accountability partner. Make yourself accountable to someone who DOES have discipline in this area and ask them to check in with you regularly. Set rewards for doing well. Set consequences for missing the mark. Showing up and facing the music has a wonderful effect of motivating a person to action (even if you complete your weekly goal 5 minutes before the meeting!).
Choose your lender of self-discipline wisely, though. Otherwise, you’ll just goof off together.
Eventually, you’ll develop the discipline on your own.
Con claro: Who do you borrow self-discipline from? In what areas?